Phineas Hightower - Metropolitan Orlandia
Casinos like the Crimson Pig in metropolitan Orlandia are abuzz as the official card game to be featured during the Annual Stone Blessing Festival has been decided by the Council. “Skirmish! A Clash in the Skies”, a fast-paced game which hinges on both chance and strategy, was chosen for its emulation of adventures experienced by many of Orlandia’s more daring citizens. Custom decks of cards will be made available in the Crimson Pig Casino for play within the venue, and may be available for sale depending on player interest. Until these cards are manufactured, interested folks may modify a standard deck of playing cards in order to practice for the upcoming festival. The Council hopes that by playing the game, captains and crewmen may be able to prove their mettle during the festival without risk of injury or damage to airships, and city property most importantly. -
Those interested in learning the rules of play must access the aethernet via this address.
Casinos like the Crimson Pig in metropolitan Orlandia are abuzz as the official card game to be featured during the Annual Stone Blessing Festival has been decided by the Council. “Skirmish! A Clash in the Skies”, a fast-paced game which hinges on both chance and strategy, was chosen for its emulation of adventures experienced by many of Orlandia’s more daring citizens. Custom decks of cards will be made available in the Crimson Pig Casino for play within the venue, and may be available for sale depending on player interest. Until these cards are manufactured, interested folks may modify a standard deck of playing cards in order to practice for the upcoming festival. The Council hopes that by playing the game, captains and crewmen may be able to prove their mettle during the festival without risk of injury or damage to airships, and city property most importantly. -
Those interested in learning the rules of play must access the aethernet via this address.
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