Phineas Hightower - Metropolitan Orlandia, June
Mr. Chance Solitaire, Orlandia Sentinel’s own President and Editor-In-Chief, invites tellers of tall tales and spinners of spine-tingling yarns to partake in this year’s Flabberghast Challenge at the annual Stone Blessing Festival. The contest, named after the late University of Orlandia Humanities Professor Ludwig Von Flabberghast, is in remembrance of the great man and his recollections of amazing travels and discoveries, which he would share in fireside chats with Mr. Solitaire and other colleagues over brandy and cigars.
President Solitaire had this to say regarding the competition: “I believe civilization began with gatherings of human beings sharing experiences through the spoken word, and such a tradition is quintessential in maintaining our humanity, in the face of an ever-changing world caught in the tempest of technological advancement. Let us not forget that direct interaction with our fellow man has been the true key to our evolution as a species, no matter what we may invent or build in our lifetimes.”
Mr. Solitaire will entertain selected candidates at the Crimson Pig Casino on Friday and Saturday of the festival, at times yet to be determined, where he will invite the contestants to unravel their stories before an audience, and continue the grand tradition that began with the late professor.
We invite interested parties to submit by recording themselves audio-visually, telling a 5-10 minute story of adventure in the spirit of Baron Munchausen, Allan Quartermain, Commander McBragg, and/or Pleasure Island’s Adventurers Club. Wearing an adventurous or steampunk-themed costume for the recording and at the event is strongly encouraged. Upload it to Youtube and send a link to . Selected candidates will be notified upon review by AFO staff. Remember, stay safe when making the recordings, and AFO retains the right to use any videos submitted. Enjoy and good luck!
Some links for reference:
Mr. Chance Solitaire, Orlandia Sentinel’s own President and Editor-In-Chief, invites tellers of tall tales and spinners of spine-tingling yarns to partake in this year’s Flabberghast Challenge at the annual Stone Blessing Festival. The contest, named after the late University of Orlandia Humanities Professor Ludwig Von Flabberghast, is in remembrance of the great man and his recollections of amazing travels and discoveries, which he would share in fireside chats with Mr. Solitaire and other colleagues over brandy and cigars.
President Solitaire had this to say regarding the competition: “I believe civilization began with gatherings of human beings sharing experiences through the spoken word, and such a tradition is quintessential in maintaining our humanity, in the face of an ever-changing world caught in the tempest of technological advancement. Let us not forget that direct interaction with our fellow man has been the true key to our evolution as a species, no matter what we may invent or build in our lifetimes.”
Mr. Solitaire will entertain selected candidates at the Crimson Pig Casino on Friday and Saturday of the festival, at times yet to be determined, where he will invite the contestants to unravel their stories before an audience, and continue the grand tradition that began with the late professor.
We invite interested parties to submit by recording themselves audio-visually, telling a 5-10 minute story of adventure in the spirit of Baron Munchausen, Allan Quartermain, Commander McBragg, and/or Pleasure Island’s Adventurers Club. Wearing an adventurous or steampunk-themed costume for the recording and at the event is strongly encouraged. Upload it to Youtube and send a link to . Selected candidates will be notified upon review by AFO staff. Remember, stay safe when making the recordings, and AFO retains the right to use any videos submitted. Enjoy and good luck!
Some links for reference:
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