Monday, August 2

Wyldehaven Forest On Fire!


Phineas Hightower, Metropolitan Orlandia.
Reports are coming in from several border towns near Wyldehaven, that thousands of forest acres are currently burning uncontrollably in the vast tree-laden region, reputed to serve as home and hiding place for pirates. Witnesses have described the sky above the once-beautiful area as being choked by thick, sickening smoke, with a multitude of airships scattered across the horizon; some crafts fleeing, while others seem to be endeavouring to control the blaze or rescue families trapped by this catastrophe.

Hundreds of refugees have begun to arrive at several of the towns inside Orlandia’s terrestrial territory. The Orlandia Sky Defense Force has deployed men and aircraft to regulate the influx of refugees across borders, as well as to construct camps near border towns in order to provide shelter for the displaced families. OSDF officials have also suspended the investigation of the attack on the OSS Phoenix Tear in light of engaging the current crisis at hand. The Council of Faction Representatives is urging Orlandia’s willing and able citizens to assist in any means available by donating supplies, volunteering at refugee camps or preventing the spread of fire into Orlandian territory. The OSDF also encourages young men and women of appropriate age to enlist and help maintain order during this tragedy.

There is no word yet on the cause of this calamity, although various refugees among the first group to arrive in the border town of Cranston, claimed to have seen green-hued fireballs exploding into the forest canopy above Haggard Hollow, a known pirate enclave. A number of unscrupulous pirate guilds are known to congregate there, and these pirates have been known to deal in, and occasionally use, aether-based weaponry for their nefarious operations. The current focus of Orlandia’s leadership, however, remains fixed on helping those affected by the fire.

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